Psychology blog posts
Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Many people are fascinated by human behavior. Why do we act the way we do, and how is our behavior influenced? By measuring behavior, you can discover and understand a lot about human life, and what drives humans. Dive into developmental psychology, parent-child interaction, mental disorders research, and emotion analysis.

24 Nov
human behavior research
7 tips to make coding behavioral data more fun
Coding behavioral data helps to understand what your data represents. But let's face it, it isn't much fun to do and it takes a lot of time. Here are 7 tips to make the coding process more effective.

18 Nov
human behavior research
How to collect high quality data in an observation lab
Controlled conditions and accurate data recording are key in scientific success. A stationary observation lab provides these controlled conditions while allowing scientists to observe test participants unobtrusively.

12 Nov
human behavior research
Anxiety and Autism
The EU-AIMS and AIMS-2-TRIALS projects have carried out some interesting studies teasing out the causes of anxiety in children with autism.

29 Oct
human behavior research
Parent-child interaction in autism: play behavior
Stephanny Freeman and Connie Kasari observed play behavior in an observation lab. They invited parents with their children to their observation lab and coded behavior in great detail.

01 Jul
human behavior research
Challenging play behavior: does it still exist?
Although children tend to spend more time indoor in sitting activities, they need feelings of exhilaration for behavioral development. Researchers investigated how risky play behavior can be encouraged.

24 Jun
human behavior research
Investigating facial expressions in autism and borderline personality disorder
Within two specific populations researchers investigated the role of facial expressions on social interactions.

17 May
human behavior research
Observing and coding the behavior of siblings
Would it help if your brother or sister is sitting by your side when you're in pain? Would that ease the pain, or provide some distraction?

06 Apr
human behavior research
How does handedness relate to infant language development?
Developing motor skills appears to be related to language abilities. The research team of Sandy Gonzalez investigated whether consistency in handedness predicts receptive and expressive language.

18 Mar
human behavior research
Observing and analyzing repetitive movements in infants to detect autism
To examine if a specific repertoire of repetitive movements was present in children with autism, researchers used home videos to code the behaviors of the infants.

16 Feb
human behavior research
The role of mimicry in the development of social communication
Children learn from interacting with others, especially their parents. For example, reproducing the emotions that others express is part of that.