Research Methods blog posts

Analyzing the behavior of animals can be difficult, since there is sometimes not a consensus on the proper techniques. Having an understanding on how certain methods and environmental factors can influence research outcomes is key to better understand results.

The do’s and don’ts in behavioral testing: improve your open field test
05 Jun animal behavior research Research Methods

The do’s and don’ts in behavioral testing: improve your open field test

Scientists have been performing open field tests for quite some time now. Over the years it has become one of the most popular tests in rodent behavioral research. So what’s not to love?
How Automatic Rat Behavior Recognition was developed
12 Dec animal behavior research Research Methods

How Automatic Rat Behavior Recognition was developed

If you are familiar with neurobehavioral research in any way, you will know that variables like velocity and distance moved are important parameters in a lot of animal behavioral experiments.
Circadian rhythmicity and other behavioral studies
09 Jul animal behavior research Research Methods

Circadian rhythmicity and other behavioral studies

Many labs use video tracking software to increase the efficiency of their research. In fact, EthoVision XT video tracking software has just reached an impressive milestone: 2000 sites worldwide.
How to get reliable results on object recognition using video tracking
12 Mar animal behavior research Research Methods

How to get reliable results on object recognition using video tracking

In the beginning of this year I wrote a post about the Morris water maze test, a popular and well-validated paradigm to study learning and memory in rats and mice.
Why it is smart to test your animal in its home cage
08 Feb animal behavior research Research Methods

Why it is smart to test your animal in its home cage

Behavior of laboratory rodents is often studied in well-controlled, simple experiments, in an environment that is fundamentally different from the animal’s home cage.

Showing 31 to 35 of 35 results