Animal Behavior Research blog posts
30 Jul
animal behavior research
Social Behavior
Unraveling primate behavior, why do monkeys rub their fur?
Did you know that tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) rub their fur vigorously with substances such as leaves, fruit, or insects? Such substances are often insecticidal, antiseptic, or anti-inflammatory.
30 Jul
animal behavior research
Social Behavior
Secret sex and promiscuity - Mating behavior of Rhesus monkeys
In Rhesus monkeys the optimal sexual strategy is different for Alpha males, other males and females. Alpha males want females to mate exclusively with them, whereas other males and females benefit from promiscuity.
19 Jul
animal behavior research
Zebrafish Research
Sex preference and other social aspects of zebrafish behavior
Social behavior is a well-known topic of neuroscience research, since it is so often affected in psychiatric disorders. Think of obvious examples such as schizophrenia and autism.
05 Jul
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
Time based relations in gait analysis
I have written two blog posts about static gait parameters. Now it’s time to talk about all four paws, and the time based relationships between them. If you ask me, we’ve been saving the best blog post for last!
28 Jun
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
Going the distance - and why it matters in gait analysis
A footprint, that is. With CatWalk XT, you can extract a lot of information from just one footprint. In this post, I am taking it a step further by talking about the relationship between prints.
21 Jun
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
What a print can tell
So what can one footprint tell you? Well, it could tell you a lot. Simply putting the paw in ink and studying the print left behind is one way to go about it, but there are far more sophisticated ways of footprint analysis.
18 Jun
animal behavior research
Zebrafish Research
What we can learn from zebrafish in a T-maze
Scrolling through our recent blogs, you can tell how important zebrafish have become in behavioral research. So we thought it was time to tell you a little more about some popular paradigms. Starting with the T-maze.
10 May
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Horse training methods: The importance of behavioral analysis
In equitation sciences, there are at least two training strategies: the ‘natural’ way of horsemanship that allows the horse to evaluate action and reaction and horsemanship that is based on ‘overruling’ of the animal.
03 May
animal behavior research
Gait and Locomotion
What gait can tell: 3 blogs that will help you understand
The usefulness of gait is well established in research on spinal cord injury, ataxia, and arthritis. But in fact, research on all disorders that influence gait in any way, can benefit from gait and footfall analysis.
19 Apr
animal behavior research
Other (Animal)
Brain waves and behavior: sleep to learn
To find out more about human and animal learning and memory, we might just have to go to sleep. Ahem – research on sleep, I mean.