Human Behavior Research blog posts
21 Mar
human behavior research
Three examples of nurse-patient interaction research
The use of video technology in nurse-patient interaction research offers important advantages to scientists in unraveling complex behavior patterns. Learn more!
16 Mar
human behavior research
Do emotions affect preferences to opera music?
Many researchers are interested in the relationship between facial expressions and music preference. This is the first study that uses FaceReader to investigate this.
13 Mar
human behavior research
Consumer behavior: do we enjoy the buffet to its fullest potential?
In a buffet restaurant, do you also want to try another dish? Just because it's available? Read this blog post about how choice influences eating behavior.
01 Mar
human behavior research
Effectiveness of video feedback in education
Did you know that video feedback in education is efficient? This and 5 more reasons why video debriefing in education is effective.
09 Feb
human behavior research
Helping children cope with social anxiety
Researchers Colonnesi et al. investigated whether social anxiety in 4 year-olds is related to the level of Theory of Mind, and expressing shyness.
24 Jan
human behavior research
Human Factors
Attention! Drive safely
In a recent study with bicyclists, researchers at VTI, Sweden, observed cyclist behavior using eye tracking technology, video recordings, and behavioral coding.
21 Dec
human behavior research
Investigating the relationships between the immune system and the brain
Our research group is investigating the relationships between the immune system and the brain in humans.
16 Dec
human behavior research
The effect of simulation-based obstetric team training
Dr. Truijens describes the positive effects of simulation-based obstetric team training on communication between health care professionals, clear leadership, and more.
23 Nov
human behavior research
Comparing two different skin-to-skin contact techniques
Skin-to-skin contact is essential in developing a feeling of safety, and in creating the bond between parent and child, especially with premature babies. Buil et al. compared two kangaroo positioning techniques.
07 Nov
human behavior research
The value of facial expression analysis in advertisements
José Chavaglia Neto and José António Filipe investigated the effect of one commercial on consumer emotion. They asked consumers to watch this commercial related to a specific brand.