Blog Posts Tagged With Coding Behavior

Improve the interaction between parent and child with autism
08 May human behavior research Psychology

Improve the interaction between parent and child with autism

Children with ASD are three times as likely to exhibit disruptive behavior as their typically developing peers. Can PCIT help coping with behaviors such as defiance, stubbornness, and temper tantrums?
A coding scheme to capture interactive behaviors during triadic consultations
23 Mar human behavior research Psychology

A coding scheme to capture interactive behaviors during triadic consultations

The research team of Yuan developed and refined a coding scheme which can serve as a tool to identify specific triadic communicative strategies that are effective in improving children’s engagement and reducing distress.
The role of parent-child interaction on child development
27 Feb human behavior research Psychology

The role of parent-child interaction on child development

When children face cognitive and motor delays, they are often unable to reach developmental milestones at the expected times. Does this influence the interactive behaviors of parents and children?
Eating behaviors in children: how is looking related to consumption?
30 Jan human behavior research Psychology

Eating behaviors in children: how is looking related to consumption?

Is time spent looking at food related to eating behavior? Researcher Lundquist and her colleagues studied the relationship between delayed gratification and consumption of food.
Parenting behaviors and executive function in Down syndrome
21 Jan human behavior research Psychology

Parenting behaviors and executive function in Down syndrome

Understanding more about developmental delays in Down syndrome is vital in developing targeted interventions. In this study, the relationship between parenting behaviors and executive function was examined.
Working memory and emotion regulation in children with ADHD
05 Sep human behavior research Psychology

Working memory and emotion regulation in children with ADHD

How can we understand emotional reactivity in children with ADHD? In the current study, Tarle and her colleagues examined the relation between emotion regulation and working memory in children with and without this disorder.
How do parenting practices relate to children’s nutrition risk?
20 Aug human behavior research Psychology

How do parenting practices relate to children’s nutrition risk?

Nutrition plays a vital role in children’s growth, development, and health. Researcher Walton and her team observed family mealtimes to gain a better understanding of children’s nutrition risk.
Reducing eating pace: a behavioral intervention for childhood obesity
25 Jun human behavior research Healthcare

Reducing eating pace: a behavioral intervention for childhood obesity

Studies on eating behavior play an important role in preventing childhood obesity. Faith and his team examined the effectiveness of a family-based behavioral intervention to reduce eating pace.
What does an infant’s gaze tell us about how hungry they feel?
11 Apr human behavior research Psychology

What does an infant’s gaze tell us about how hungry they feel?

McNally and her colleagues developed a coding scheme to observe infant gaze behavior and applied it in a study of complementary feeding.
A closer look at eye contact
19 Mar human behavior research Psychology

A closer look at eye contact

Infant siblings of children with or without ASD participated in a study to determine whether gaze behavior showed during a test with an unfamiliar examiner could predict gaze behavior in a more naturalistic context.

Showing 31 to 40 of 58 results