Blog Posts Tagged With Social Interaction

How do children interact with their older autistic siblings?
01 Apr human behavior research Psychology

How do children interact with their older autistic siblings?

In celebration of World Autism Awareness Day, this blog post focuses on the social interactions between children and their older autistic siblings.
Why rats help other rats
27 Feb animal behavior research Social Behavior

Why rats help other rats

As humans, we help each other because it is the right thing to do. We help our friends and our family. And of course we help strangers as well. Right?
Friends with benefits - sociosexuality under investigation
27 Jun human behavior research Psychology

Friends with benefits - sociosexuality under investigation

Penke and Asendorpf (2008) used a large online study and a detailed behavioral assessment to investigate sociosexual behavior.
Observing behavior - Jury deliberations, what happens behind closed doors
19 Dec human behavior research Psychology

Observing behavior - Jury deliberations, what happens behind closed doors

Researchers increasingly study what goes on behind closed doors. Thirty mock-jury deliberations were filmed and behaviors were then coded using The Observer software.

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